Behavior, Evolution and Culture Archive


Spring 2003


31 March - Shelley Taylor UCLA Psychology

Risky Families and the Regulation of Biological Stress Responses
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7 April - Dan Chiappe CSULB Psychology

Evolution of General Intelligence: The Role of Working Memory and Analogical Reasoning in Solving Novel Problems
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14 April - Ullica Sergerstrale Illinois Institute of Technology Social Sciences

What Lies Beneath - hidden variables in the criticism of claims about human nature
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21 April - Paul Ekman UCSF Psychology

How Emotions Are Triggered
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28 April - Daniel Nettle Open University Biological Sciences and Psychology

Adaptive Illusions: Evolutionary explanations for motivational biases
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5 May - Gad Saad UC Irvine Graduate School of Management

Applying Evolutionary Psychology in Consumer Behavior, Marketing, and Advertising
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12 May - Gary Marcus NYU Psychology

Developmental Biology and "Innate" Mental Structure
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19 May - Gerd Gigerenzer MPI for Human Development

Less is More: How Smart Heuristics Work

2 June - Michael Bailey Northwestern University Psychology

The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism
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Winter 2003


6 January - Joan Silk UCLA Anthropology

Cooperation, Aid, and Friendship in Nonhuman Primates


13 January - Jeffrey Brantingham UCLA Anthropology
An agent-based model of stone raw material procurement: What do we really know about hominid landscape use?

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27 January - Harry Brickman UCLA Dept. of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences

Innate Imprint: Motives, Meanings, and Mechanisms in a Darwinian Neuro-Psychoanalysis

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3 February - Patricia Greenfield UCLA Psychology

Symbol Combination in Pan: Language, Action, Culture

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10 February - Colin Camerer CalTech Humanities and Social Sciences

Behavioral studies of strategic thinking

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22 February
UCLA/UCSB Quarterly Meeting


24 February - Clark Barrett UCLA Anthropology

Enzymatic modularity and semantic effects in cognition

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3 March - Mark Kleiman UCLA Policy Studies

Policy implications of evolutionary psychology


10 March - Susan Johnson Stanford Psychology

Detecting agents

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Fall 2002


30 September - John Schumann UCLA Applied Linguistics/TESL

The Evolution of Grammar
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7 October - David Sloan Wilson SUNY Binghamton Biology

The Revival of Multilevel Selection Theory in Evolutionary Biology
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14 October - Tatsuya Kameda Hokkaido University Behavioral Science

Adaptive Group Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Robust Beauty of the Majority Heuristic
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21 October - Debra Lieberman UCSB Psychology

Mapping the Architecture of Human Kin Recognition Systems Through Patterns of Moral Sentiments, Sexual Aversions, and Altruism


28 October - Joel Guttman Bar-Ilan University Economics

Families, Markets, and Self-Enforcing Reciprocity Norms
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2 November
Evolution, Mind, and Behavior Conference at UCSB


4 November - Robert LeVine Harvard Human Development & Psychology

Attachment Research as an Ideological Movement

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18 November - Rob Boyd UCLA Anthropology

Why baboons don't have history

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25 November - Richard Coss UC Davis Psychology

The study of human antipredator behavior from an evolutionary perspective: Examination of risk assessment by young children and relic sexual dinichism


2 December - Michael Price UCSB Psychology

Psychological adaptations for collective action participation

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Spring 2002

3 June - Timothy Ketelaar UCLA Communications Studies
Perception of Gains & Losses
Emotions, Adaptive Designs and Bird-Brained Utility Functions
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20 May - Douglas Kenrick ASU Psychology
From Universal Mechanisms to Cultural Diversity
What Trophy Wives Tell Us About the Emergence of Human Society

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13 May - Marco Iacoboni UCLA Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
Understanding People's Actions, Intentions and Social Relations
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6 May -  Mary Gauvain UCR Psychology
Cultural Tools and Cognitive Development
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4 May
UCLA/UCSB Conference on Human Nature & Society

29 April - David Perlmutter UCSD Linguistics
How Many Times Did Language Originate?
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22 April - Robert Kluender UCSD Linguistics
The Evolution of Grammatical Properties in the Absence of Symbolic Reference
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15 April -  Alan Fiske UCLA Anthropology
Socio-Moral Emotions Provide the Self-Control Necessary to Sustain Social Relationships
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8 April - Jack Hirshleifer UCLA Economics
The Dark Side of the Force
View the Presentation Slides (PDF)

1 April - Aaron Blaisdell UCLA Psychology
Adaptive Significance of Beliefs about the Afterlife
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Winter 2002

11 March - Rob Kurzban UCLA Anthropology
Can Race be Erased?

4 March -  Nancy Dess Occidental Psychology
Feelings on the Tip of the Tongue
Taste, Emotion, and the Organization of Behavior
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25 February -  David Brin Independent Scholar & Author
Tolerance, Aggression and Threat Horizons
How and When Do Humans Learn to Get Along?
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11 February -  Daniel Nettle Open University Biological Sciences & Psychology
Genetic & Linguistic Diversity and the Pattern of Prehistory
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4 February -  Brian Lickel USC Psychology
Folk Theories of Social Association
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2 February
UCSB/UCLA Conference on Evolution, Mind, and Behavior
Conference Program

28 January -  Gail Gottfried UCLA Psychology
Studying Psychological Essentialism
It Depends on What the Definition of 'Inside' Is
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14 January - Paul Zak Claremont Graduate University Economics
Sex, Information, and Resource Growth

7 January -  Barry O'Neill UCLA Political Science

Fall 2001

3 December -  Heidi Keller University of Osnabrueck Psychology
Development as the Interface between Culture and Biology
A Conceptualization of Early Ontogenetic Experiences
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See the Figure (in case the link in the paper doesn't work)

26 November -  Joe Manson UCLA Anthropology
Nonfecundable Matings as a Test of Male "Quality" in Primates
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19 November -  Nancy Segal Cal State Fullerton Psychology
Twin and Adoption Research
Tests of Evolutionary-Based Hypotheses
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5 November - Jared Diamond UCLA School of Medicine
Environmental Collapses of Pre-Industrial Societies
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3 November
UCLA/UCSB Conference on Human Nature & Society
Conference Program

29 October - Chip Heath Stanford Business School
Emotional Selection in Memes
Urban Legends and Mad Cow Disease
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22 October - Francis Steen UCLA Communication Studies
Cognitive and Social Dimensions of Collective Entertainment
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15 October - Clark Barrett UCLA Anthropology
The Evolutionary Origins of Mindreading
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8 October - William Jankowiak UNLV Anthropology
A Case for Emotional Monogamy
Ethnographic Inquiries into Sex, Love and Intimacy
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1 October - David Levine UCLA Economics
The Evolution of Cooperation Through Imitation
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Spring 2001

June 4 - Lee A. Kirkpatrick   College of William & Mary Psychology
Religion: Adaptation or Evolutionary Byproduct?
Visit his Home Page

May 21 - Rob Boyd  UCLA Anthropology
Was agriculture impossible during the Pleistocene but mandatory during the Holocene?
A climate change hypothesis
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May 14 - Francisco Gil-White University of Pennsylvania Psychology
Does pastoralism result in cultures of honor?
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May 7 - Alan Fridlund UCSB Psychology
What do facial expressions express?
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April 30 - Lynn Fairbanks UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
Nurture Assumptions and the Evolutionary Psychology of Parenting

April 23 - Jean Ensminger Caltech Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
Experimental Economics and Markets
Results from East Africa

April 16 - John Bock  Cal State Fullerton Anthropology
Punctuated Development and the Acquisition of Ability

April 9 - Robert L. Munroe Pitzer College Anthropology
Childhood Aggression in Males
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April 2 - Bill Clark   UCLA Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Sex and the Origins of Death
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Based on a book by the same title, published by Oxford University Press.

Winter 2001

March 12 - Mark Jenike Pomona College Anthropology
Female Fertility in the Absence of Marriage and Co-residence
The Case of the Matrilineal Moso
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March 5 - Alan Fix UC Riverside Anthropology
Evolution of Altruism in Kin-Structured and Random Subdivided Populations
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For the full article, see Evolution 1985 39:928-39.

February 26 - Jay Phelan  UCLA Organismic Biology, Ecology, and Evolution
Symmetry, attractiveness, and developmental stability among "biracial" and "uniracial" individuals
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February 12 - Scott Pletka UCLA Archaeology
The Evolution and Function of Monumental Construction in Prehistoric Denmark
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February 5 - Bradley Duchaine UCSB Psychology
Testing the Domain-General Hypotheses of Prosopagnosia
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January 29 - Tim Ketelaar UCLA Communication Studies
The effects of guilty feelings on the behavior of uncooperative individuals in repeated social bargaining games
An Affect-as-information interpretation of the role of emotion in interpersonal behavior
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January 22 - Greg Laden U of Minnesota Twin Cities Anthropology
The evolution of human ecology and mind
Grounding models in the archaeological record
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January 8 - Margaret J. Schoeninger UCSD Anthropology
Hungry Hadza Grandmothers
Read the Paper "Composition of Tubers Used by Hadza Foragers of Tanzania " (PDF)
Read the Paper "Nutritional Composition of Some Wild Plant Foods and Honey..." (PDF)

Fall 2000

December 4 - Martie Haselton UCLA Communications
Biases in Social Cognition
Design Flaws or Design Features?
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November 27 - Thomas Scheff UCSB Sociology
The Goffman Legacy
Deconstructing/Reconstructing Social Science
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November 20 - Chris Boehm USC Anthropology
Interactions of Culture and Natural Selection in the Upper Paleolithic
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November 13 - Larry Palinkas UCSD Family & Preventive Medicine
On the ICE
Individual and Group Adaptation in Antarctica
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November 6 - Elizabeth Bates UCSD Cognitive Science
A New View of Language Evolution (If That's Possible)
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October 30 - Ed Hagen UCSB  Anthropology
Depression as bargaining
The case postpartum
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October 23 - Geoffrey Miller UCLA Communications
How else can I test the ideas in The Mating Mind?
Précis of The Mating Mind (HTML)

October 16 - Rob Kurzban UCLA Anthropology
An Evolutionary Approach to Social Stigma
The Functions of Social Exclusion

October 2 - Vanna Axia University of Padua
Culture and maternal soothing of infant pain
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Winter 1999

April 19 - Tim Ketelaar UCLA Communications Studies
Framing our thoughts
Ecological rationality as evolutionary psychology's answer to the frame problem

April 12 - Walter Goldschmidt UCLA Anthropology
Causation to motivation: the margin between biology and culture
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April 5 - Jennifer Lerner UCLA Psychology
Emotional influences on risk perception and risk preferences
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March 15 - Shelley Taylor UCLA Psychology
Female Responses to Stress: Tend-and-Befriend

March 1- Francisco Gil-White UCLA Anthropology
The ugly duckling: a story about ducks and swans, or a metaphor of ethnicity?
An exploration of ethnic groups and their cognition as natural living kinds
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February 8 - Charles Stanish UCLA Anthropology
Models for the Origin of Complex Society

February 1 - Neil M. Malamuth UCLA Communication Studies and Psychology
Integrating Multiple Levels of Scientific Analysis and the Confluence Model of Sexual Coercers

January 25 - Joan Silk UCLA Anthropology
Knowledge of Third-Party Relationships in Primates

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This page is maintained by Clark Barrett.  E-mail .



[Speaker Series]
