Dan Fessler interviewed about disgust on WBEZ’s Clever Apes series
Listen to the interview online→
Martie Haselton on NPR – “Scent of a Woman”
The scent of fertility: Dr. Haselton shares new research in evolutionary…
Willem Frankenhuis in Science
Recent work by Willem Frankenhuis has been published in Science…
Martie Haselton, Christina Larson in the New York Times – “The threatening scent of fertile women”
Click here to read the full article→
Dominic Johnson in Seed Magazine
Dominic Johnson and James Fowler discuss human overconfidence…
Widespread coverage of Elizabeth Pillsworth and Martie Haselton’s recent research
Elizabeth Pillsworth and Martie Haselton's recent research documents…
Matt Ridley on Michelle Kline and Robert Boyd’s Recent Paper
In an article discussing the importance of demography for innovation…
Carlos Navarrete in US News
Coverage of Carlos Navarrete's recent research on the relationship…
Robert Boyd on NPR
Robert Boyd's interview on National Public Radio's series "The…
Joan Silk LiveScience Interview
Joan Silk was recently interviewed regarding the finding that…