Dr. Asher Rosinger
Department of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State
This talk will be presented via Zoom.
Abstract: Dr. Asher Rosinger will discuss one of humanity’s oldest and increasingly important questions, how do populations meet their water needs in areas with water problems and how do these strategies affect health and well-being. This talk will discuss how physical and nutritional environments shape variation in human water needs including in early life, how experiences with water become embodied in health and disease patterns, and how humans cope with these environmental stressors through their diets and behavior. It will feature work from the Bolivian Amazon, Northern Kenya, and the US.
Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/92826436236?pwd=SytQNTNPSWdwaDNlTm05d2srdXNHUT09
Meeting ID: 928 2643 6236
Passcode: BEC