Robin Nelson: UCRIn this talk, I will explore the extent to which variability in the quality of familial and social relationships is correlated to the phenotypic expression of biological indicators of health status for adults and children. This research applies theories popularized in evolutionary ecology to a study of sociality and health in Manchester Parish, Jamaica. Using ethnographic methods, I identified culturally salient aspects of investment relationships amongst a lower class study population. Jamaica’s unstable economic climate necessitates increased investment from social and familial contacts and thus, provides the framework for studies of this received investment. Health outcomes were measured using anthropometric and immunological analyses. In this presentation, I will discuss my findings regarding the impact of a variety of investment relationships on health outcomes for (1) adults who are involved in romantic relationships and (2) adults who were children during the post-colonial era in Jamaica and (3) a recent study of children living in state-sponsored orphanages. These findings suggest that investment relationships in Jamaica, specifically with relatives, serve as one important factor in the maintenance of good individual health. These relationships are particularly important in the context of Jamaica’s risky and unstable economic environment.
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