Tage Rai – Incentivized punishers and moralistic offenders destabilize cooperation

352 Haines Hall

Incentivized punishers and moralistic offenders destabilize cooperation Tage Rai Assistant Professor Rady School of Management University of California, San Diego Punishment is classically theorized to be essential for the evolution of cooperation in human societies and is the primary means by which states attempt to directly reduce crime. Yet, empirically, punishment is often ineffective at […]

Ny Vasil – Generic generalizations within and across contexts

352 Haines Hall

Generic generalizations within and across contexts Ny Vasil Assistant Professor Psychology Department, California State University East Bay Generic generalizations about natural and social kinds (e.g., “Raccoons have rabies”; “Trader Joe’s cashiers are friendly”) shape how agents learn, explain and intervene on their environment. Yet, there’s no consensus about what underwrites people’s endorsement of generic generalizations. […]