Kelsey Jorgensen – Surviving the heights: Environmental adaptations and multispecies genetics in the Andes

352 Haines Hall

Surviving the heights: Environmental adaptations and multispecies genetics in the Andes Kelsey Jorgensen Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Anthropology, UCLA Human populations have thrived in the Peruvian Andes for thousands of years despite extreme environmental stressors of hypoxia, cold temperatures, and times of food scarcity. These evolutionary environmental pressures have shaped unique genetic adaptations and continue […]

Michael Greenfield – Rhythm coordination in animal species, including humans: Entrainment from bushcricket chorusing to the philharmonic orchestra

352 Haines Hall

Rhythm coordination in animal species, including humans: Entrainment from bushcricket chorusing to the philharmonic orchestra. Michael Greenfield ENES Bioacoustics Research Lab, CRNL, University of Saint-Etienne, CNRS Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas Repetitive cycles of an activity or state, generally known as rhythm, are ubiquitous in living organisms, occurring in all branches […]

Marcia Inhorn – Motherhood on ice: The mating gap and why women freeze their eggs

352 Haines Hall

Motherhood on ice: The mating gap and why women freeze their eggs Marcia Inhorn Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs, Yale University Why are women freezing their eggs in record numbers? Contrary to media reports, which suggest that women’s career ambitions are the main determinant of women’s fertility postponement, women themselves offer different explanations for […]

Kyle Wiley – Embodiment of Stress and Trauma in the Perinatal Period

352 Haines Hall

Embodiment of Stress and Trauma in the Perinatal Period Kyle Wiley Recent UCLA post-doctoral researcher The associations between adverse social experiences and poor health outcomes are well-documented and consistent across societies. My work interrogates intergenerational patterns of health disparities by combining methods and perspectives across biological anthropology, human biology, psychoneuroendocrinology and -immunology, and public health. […]

Peter M. Todd – How people forage in space and mind

352 Haines Hall

How people forage in space and mind Peter M. Todd Provost Professor of Cognitive Science, Psychology, and Informatics Indiana University, Bloomington How do we decide when to search for something better and when to stick with what we’ve got?  People and other organisms must adaptively trade off between exploring and exploiting their environment to obtain […]

Chimp Empire – A Screening and Panel Discussion with the Filmmakers [RSVP required; Note special time and location]


Chimp Empire - A Screening and Panel Discussion with the Filmmakers Featuring Sara Edelson Manager of Original Documentary Programming, Netflix James Reed Director, Chimp Empire John Mitani Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Michigan moderated by Clark Barrett Professor, UCLA Department of Anthropology and Director, UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution and Culture and Abigail Bigham Associate […]

Gary Brase – How to incite a scientific revolution: A practical framework of converging evidence for behavioral sciences integration [Note special time and location]

Haines 332 (Discourse Lab)

How to incite a scientific revolution: A practical framework of converging evidence for behavioral sciences integration Gary Brase Kansas State University If science is about the pursuit of truth, why do so many scientists disagree? Everyone should agree, at least on most things, according to the idea that there is a consistency of sciences. Others […]

Irene Godoy – Kinship as constraint: Social aging in kin-structured groups

352 Haines Hall

Kinship as constraint: Social aging in kin-structured groups Irene Godoy Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour (CRAB), University of Exeter The dramatic increase in human life expectancy poses new challenges for health care systems. Among those challenges is that social isolation and loneliness as risk factors for mortality are highest among the elderly. We know […]

Cody Moser – Models of Collective Problem Solving: Bringing the Individual into Collective Intelligence

352 Haines Hall

Models of Collective Problem Solving: Bringing the Individual into Collective Intelligence Cody Moser Cognitive and Information Sciences, UC Merced The field of collective intelligence focuses on how group communication, interaction, and organization shape collective outcomes. Computational models of collective systems have been instrumental in identifying which structures promote optimal group performance. While these models often […]