Tyler Marghetis – A history of our times

A history of our times Tyler Marghetis Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Information Sciences, University of California, Merced & Omidyar Fellow, The Santa Fe Institute This is a talk about Time. I start with the tension between, on the one hand, the global diversity in how people conceive of time, and on the other, the […]

Zaneta Thayer – How social inequities create health inequities: An integration of social and biological mechanisms

How social inequities create health inequities: An integration of social and biological mechanisms Zaneta Thayer Department of Anthropology and Ecology, Evolution, Environment & Society Program, Dartmouth College A remarkably consistent pattern of human variation is the social gradient in health. This is the observation that, both within and between societies, individuals who are socially disadvantaged […]

Samuel Mehr – Representation and understanding in music across cultures

Representation and understanding in music across cultures Samuel Mehr The Music Lab and Department of Psychology, Harvard University Discovering the universal features of human musicality is a prerequisite for explaining the biological and cultural evolution of music. What is universal about our psychology of music, and what varies? In this talk I will present analyses […]

Pascal Boyer – Why divination? A salient cultural attractor, an explanatory model, and some lessons for how to understand the generation of culture

Why divination? A salient cultural attractor, an explanatory model, and some lessons for how to understand the generation of culture Pascal Boyer Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology and Psychology​ and Henry Luce Professor of Collective and Individual Memory, Washington University in St. Louis Divination is a good example of a cultural attractor - almost all human […]

Willem Frankenhuis – Hidden talents in harsh conditions

Hidden talents in harsh conditions Willem Frankenhuis Department of Psychology, Utrecht University, the Netherlands It is well established that people living in adverse conditions tend to score lower on a variety of social and cognitive tests. However, recent research shows that people may also develop ‘hidden talents’, that is, mental abilities that are enhanced through […]

Hugo Mercier – Impression management as signaling

Impression management as signaling Hugo Mercier Evolution and Social Cognition and Collective Intelligence Teams, Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS, Paris I claim that impression management can be usefully understood as signaling. One consequence is that impression management should be mostly honest, that is, it should benefit on average both senders (i.e. those who are managing the […]

Rebecca Saxe – What is theory of mind? Implications for mind, brain and culture

What is theory of mind? Implications for mind, brain and culture Rebecca Saxe McGovern Institute and Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT Nearly all research on "theory of mind" has focussed on three kinds of inference: (i) explaining observed behaviour in terms of inferred mental states (given she did that, what did she want?); […]

Aaron Panofsky – Citizen scientific racism: White nationalist appropriations of genetic research

Citizen scientific racism: White nationalist appropriations of genetic research Aaron Panofsky UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics, Public Policy, and Sociology This talk presents research from a study about white nationalists and their efforts to appropriate genetics research for their own ideological and identity projects. Using historical sources and online data and interpretive methods, I […]

Evelina Fedorenko – The human language system in the mind and brain

The human language system in the mind and brain Evelina Fedorenko McGovern Institute for Brain Research and Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, MIT The goal of my research program is to understand the computations and representations that enable us to share complex thoughts with one another via language, and their neural implementation. A decade […]

Quayshawn Spencer – A metaphysical mapping problem for race theorists and human population geneticists

A metaphysical mapping problem for race theorists and human population geneticists Quayshawn Spencer Robert S. Blank Presidential Associate Professor of Philosophy and Race, Science, & Society Working Group, University of Pennsylvania In this talk, I identify and clarify a metaphysical mapping phenomenon that’s almost twenty years old. The phenomenon is that the populations at a […]