Trent Smith – Evolution, Economic Insecurity, and the Modern Obesity Epidemic

Trent Smith: University of OtagoWhy have obesity rates risen sharply around the world since 1980? In biological perspective, humans and other animals are thought to have evolved the ability—and the propensity—to store energy as body fat in order to survive periods of starvation. While food may be more abundant than ever today, it is becoming […]

Joshua Greene – Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason & the Gap Between Us and Them

Joshua Greene: Harvard UniversityIn this talk I'll present some of the main themes in my book of the same title. First, there are two general kinds of moral problems: The original moral problem is the problem of cooperation, the “Tragedy of the Commons”—Me vs. Us. Distinctively modern moral problems are different. They involve what I […]

Carl T. Bergstrom – Dealing With Deception in Biology

Carl T. Bergstrom: Washington UniversityOver the past 3.5 billion years, living organisms have evolved to acquire, store, analyze, and transmit information. This information processing capacity has allowed organisms to build up increasingly complex social organizations predicated on the effective coordination and cooperation. Coordination and cooperation in turn require honest communication among the participants in a […]

Scott Wiltermuth – I’d Only Let You Down: Guilt Proneness and the Avoidance of Harmful Interdependence

Scott Wiltermuth: USCFive studies demonstrated that highly guilt-prone people may avoid forming interdependent partnerships with others whom they perceive to be more competent than themselves, as benefitting a partner less than the partner benefits one’s self could trigger feelings of guilt.  Highly guilt-prone people who lacked expertise in a domain were less willing than were those […]

Leda Cosmides – Erasing Race in California and Brazil: Racial Categorization Varies Systematically with Patterns of Alliance Across Seven Brazilian States

Leda Cosmides: UC Santa BarbaraAccording to the alliance detection hypothesis, racial categorization is a (reversible) byproduct of cognitive mechanisms that evolved for detecting social alliances (Kurzban, Tooby & Cosmides, 2001; Pietraszewski, Cosmides & Tooby, 2014). In southern California, showing subjects a single social interaction in which race is uncorrelated with alliance patterns produces a sharp […]

Katarzyna (Kasia) Pisanski – The Sound of Size: Human Vocal Communication of Body Size

Katarzyna (Kasia) Pisanski: UCLABody size can have an immense impact on the biology, ecology, and social status of an animal, but so too can ones ability to advertise or assess body size. Many species communicate their size vocally. Research investigating vocal communication of physical size in mammals, including humans, has focused on two salient and […]

Kiley Hamlin – Moral Babies: Preverbal Infants Know Who and What are Good and Bad

Kiley Hamlin: University of British ColumbiaHow do humans come to have a “moral sense”? Are adults’ conceptions of which actions are right and which are wrong, of who is good and who is bad, who deserves praise and who deserves blame wholly the result of experiences like observing and interacting with others in one’s cultural […]

Hanna Kokko – Males exist. Does it matter? — Special Time — 9:00am

Hanna Kokko: Australian National UniversityA lot of evolutionary theory involves the concept of populations climbing towards peaks of higher fitness. Such theory has been written without taking into account that in most species there are two distinct classes of individuals — males and females — that influence the evolutionary process in a distinctly different way. […]

Nancy Dess – A Pan-Mammalian Tongue-Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis? Implications for Health and Culture

Nancy Dess: Occidental CollegeIn a 2002 BEC talk, I described the working hypothesis that bittersweet taste is a marker for sensitivity to metabolic equanimity, manifested in ways ranging from responsiveness to energy balance to emotional reactivity and stress vulnerability; data from rats selectively bred on a saccharin phenotype and, to a lesser extent, humans, were […]

Larry Cahill – Title: Sex Influences on Brain and Memory: The Burden of Proof has Shifted

Larry Cahill: UC IrvineAbstract: Historically, neuroscience paid little if any attention to sex influences outside a limited area of reproductive functions. But all that is changing, and ever rapidly, with a flurry of discoveries the past 10 years in particular about sex influences on brain function down to the molecular level. My area of emotional […]