Andrew Shtulman – Cognitive constraints on the understanding and acceptance of evolution

Andrew Shtulman: OccidentalEvolution by natural selection is a theory that has unified the biological sciences but divided the general public. In this talk, I shall discuss how early-emerging, essentialist constraints on the conceptualization of biological kinds impedes learning about population-level phenomena like evolution and natural selection. Data from cognitive studies (Shtulman, 2006), developmental studies (Shtulman […]

Robin Nelson – Contextualizing Kinship: A Bio-cultural Study of Families and Health in Jamaica

Robin Nelson: UCRIn this talk, I will explore the extent to which variability in the quality of familial and social relationships is correlated to the phenotypic expression of biological indicators of health status for adults and children. This research applies theories popularized in evolutionary ecology to a study of sociality and health in Manchester Parish, […]

William Harbaugh – Competitive preferences across age and gender

William Harbaugh: U of OregonOne potential explanation for some of the differences in incomes between men and women is a difference in preferences for economic competition. In experiments with real effort and cash payoffs men are more likely to select into winner-take-all tournaments, while women tend to choose individual piece-rate pay or equal payments based […]

Simone Schnall – Emotions, Intuitions, and Morality

Simone Schnall: CambridgeHow do people tell right from wrong? It used to be assumed that moral decisions are based on rational thought, such that people determine on objective facts and logical analysis what is morally acceptable behaviour. More recently, however, empirical findings suggest that decisions about morality and ethical behaviour are far from rational, but […]

James Andreoni – Accidental Altruism: Economic Research on the Social Aspects of Giving.

James Andreoni: UCSDGiving to those in need is inherently a social act. First, altruistic giving requires empathy for, or perhaps simply awareness of, those who are needy. Second, giving nearly always involves a social interaction between the donor and someone seeking a donation. Third, those who are generous tend to be admired by others, and […]

Joel Sachs – Evolutionary origins and stability of bacterial symbioses

Joel Sachs: UCRBeneficial bacteria improve our health and are crucial to crops plants and fodder animals. However, symbiosis is evolutionarily unstable: harmful mutants can invade symbiont populations and cause cooperation to collapse. My research encompasses both theoretical and empirical work on the evolution and maintenance of bacterial symbioses with eukaryotes. My theoretical work seeks to […]

Alison Gopnik – Childhood dependence and adult intelligence: Children as the Research and Development Division

Alison Gopnik: UCBOne of the most striking generalizations in evolutionary psychology is the correlation between sophisticated and flexible learning-based knowledge in adult organisms and a long protected period of immaturity in the young. In terms of the classic altricial vs. precocial, or r vs. k distinction in evolutionary biology, the altricial species are more likely […]

Roberto Schonmann – A new approach to evolution in group structured populations.

Roberto Schonmann: UCLA Department of Mathematics, Sao Paulo University Department of Applied MathThe evolution of cooperation and altruism are fundamental scientific challenges highlighted by their role in the major transitions in life's history, when natural selection acted simultaneously on several competing levels. The relevance of basic concepts, including group selection and Hamilton's rule remain nevertheless […]

Keise Izuma – Social Reward Based Decision-Making in Humans

Keise Izuma: Cal TechHuman behaviors are influenced by the concern for social reputation (e.g., how other people think of us). It is well known in behavioral sciences that individuals tend to behave in a more egoistic manner under guaranteed anonymity, whereas less anonymous situations (e.g., the presence of others) increase pro-social behaviors. These observations are […]