John Bunce and Caissa Revilla Minaya: Cultural dynamics in an Indigenous Amazonian population: An exploration of intra- and inter-ethnic causal mechanisms

352 Haines Hall

Dr. John Bunce & Dr. Caissa Revilla Minaya, Culture, Environment and Health Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Title: Cultural dynamics in an Indigenous Amazonian population: An exploration of intra- and inter-ethnic causal mechanisms  Abstract: For several decades, evolutionary social science theorists have devoted considerable attention to exploring various mechanisms that influence […]

Renee Hagen, Common behaviors and moral codes: Applying cultural evolution and sexual conflict theory to model the dynamics of social norms

352 Haines Hall

Renee Hagen, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Anthropology, UCLA Title: Common behaviors and moral codes: Applying cultural evolution and sexual conflict theory to model the dynamics of social norms Abstract: How do new social norms spread in social groups, and how are norms maintained or change over time?  I will present two studies that investigate these questions […]

Nicole Thompson-Gonzalez: Social paths to health and fitness in primates

352 Haines Hall

Dr. Nicole Thompson-Gonzalez, Assistant Professor, Dept of Integrative Anthropological Sciences, University of California-Santa Barbara This talk will be presented live as well as via Zoom. Title: Social paths to health and fitness in primates Abstract: Friendly social ties are important means to monopolize resources, buffer risks, and in turn increase health and fitness across […]

Caroline Schuppli: Skill acquisition and life history: towards a better understanding of cognitive evolution.

352 Haines Hall

Dr. Caroline Schuppli, Max Planck Research Group leader, MPI for Animal Behavior This talk will be presented via Zoom. Title: Skill acquisition and life history: towards a better understanding of cognitive evolution Abstract: Cognitive capacity gets selected for via skills and abilities which provide individuals with fitness benefits. However, strikingly, the larger brained a species is, the more […]

Laurel Fogarty: Cultural rescue: avoiding extinction with gene-culture coevolution

352 Haines Hall

Dr. Laurel Fogarty, Senior Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology This talk will be presented via Zoom. Cultural rescue: avoiding extinction with gene-culture coevolution.  Abstract: It is often suggested that the adaptability and success of human populations is a direct result of our sophisticated cultural abilities. Previously, we have suggested that in cases where […]

Barbara Natterson-Horowitz – The 600-million-year history of human affective disorder

352 Haines Hall

The 600-million-year history of human affective disorder Barbara Natterson-Horowitz Division of Cardiology, UCLA School of Medicine Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School Fifty years ago this October, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three animal […]

Caleb Finch – The Gero-Exposome, a life history approach to diversity of human longevity

352 Haines Hall

The Gero-Exposome, a life history approach to diversity of human longevity Caleb Finch, PhD ARCO and Kieschnick Professor, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, USC From egg to exit, human life history is determined by environmental interactions with our genome (GxE). The Gero-Exposome provides a framework for analyzing GxE interactions with life style, biomes, and systemic […]

Bridget Callaghan – Intergenerational impacts of adversity on mind-body health: pathways through interoception and the gut-brain axis

352 Haines Hall

Intergenerational impacts of adversity on mind-body health - pathways through interoception and the gut-brain axis Bridget Callaghan Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, UCLA Children’s early experiences with caregivers impact their mental and physical health across the lifespan. Such early caregiving experiences can become biologically and psychologically embedded within an individual, contributing to intergenerational transmission of […]

Katie Karlsgodt – Reward and Cognitive Function in Adolescent Psychopathology

352 Haines Hall

Reward and Cognitive Function in Adolescent Psychopathology Katie Karlsgodt UCLA Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry Adolescence is a time when exploration, and even risk-taking, can be considered an adaptive part of the typical developmental experience. This period of enhanced risk-taking allows for new learning, particularly about the social world, and is a critical part of establishing […]

Michael Wells – Exploration of human genetic and phenotypic diversity through cell villages

352 Haines Hall

Exploration of human genetic and phenotypic diversity through cell villages Michael Wells Assistant Professor, UCLA Department of Human Genetics Human genome variation contributes to diversity in neurodevelopmental outcomes and vulnerabilities; recognizing the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms will require scalable approaches. Here, I will describe a ‘‘cell village’’ experimental platform we used to analyze genetic, […]