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Sandeep Mishra – Minding the Gap: Inequality, Socioemotional Comparisons, and Risk-Sensitivity

Sandeep Mishra: University of ReginaSubstantial epidemiological evidence shows that higher levels of income inequality are associated with a wide array of negative societal-level outcomes, ranging from greater risk-taking and crime to poorer mental and physical health. However, surprisingly little research has examined individual-level consequences of inequality. Risk-sensitivity theory, developed in the field of behavioral ecology, […]

Steven Neuberg  – Discriminating Ecologies: A Life History Approach to Stigma and Health

Steven Neuberg : Arizona State UniversityHow does being discriminated against affect a person’s health, and through what mechanisms? Most research has focused on two causal pathways, highlighting how discrimination increases psychological stress and exposure to neighborhood hazards. I advance an alternative, complementary set of mechanisms through which stigma and discrimination may shape health. Grounded in evolutionary […]

Katie Hinde – Mother’s Milk: Building Blocks and Blueprints for Infant BioBehavioral Development

Katie Hinde: Arizona State UniversityMother’s milk is more than a food full of essential nutrients and more than a medicine packed with protective immunofactors. Mother’s milk contains maternal signals- hormones- that influence infant metabolism, neurobiology, and behavior. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that hormones from the mother, ingested through milk, bind to receptors within […]