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Lee Cronk – Our cultural immune system: Toward a theory of culture’s influence on behavior

Lee Cronk: Rutgers University Department of AnthropologyAnthropologists are rarely able to predict when a culture trait will influence behavior and when it will not. The theory of gene-culture coevolution leads to the prediction that we should have something akin to an immune system for culture that helps us make adaptive decisions regarding which culture traits […]

Matthew Gervais – Mapping an egalitarian hierarchy: relational economic games tap RICH norms of helping and leveling in a Fijian village

Matthew Gervais: The University of California, Los AngelesExperimental economic games have shed significant light on human population variation in social behavior. However, most of these games have involved anonymous dyadic recipients, limiting their external validity beyond fleeting pairwise interactions. Yet enduring relationships within large social networks are arguably the cradle of human uniqueness and remain […]

Monique Borgerhoff-Mulder – Responding to Inequality: Cooperation, Kinship and Witchcraft in Mpimbwe, Tanzania

Monique Borgerhoff-Mulder: University of California, DavisWhile the causes, transmission and consequences of material and social inequality are well studied in the social sciences, the ways in which people respond to inequality are less clear. As evolutionary social scientists we know that humans show a strong aversion to inequality, but we have little understanding of how […]