Latest Past Events

Adrian Jaeggi – Food sharing in human and non-human primates

Adrian Jaeggi: UCSBFood sharing is a vibrant field of study that has provided important insights into the evolution of cooperation, life history, and social learning. Common functional explanations for sharing include nutritional and informational benefits to offspring, tolerated scrounging, kin selection, reciprocal altruism, and costly signaling. I review the most important findings regarding food sharing […]

Clark Barrett – Confronting the puzzle of evolutionary novelty

Clark Barrett: UCLAThe capacity of organisms to deal with evolutionary novelty has been regarded by some as a puzzle. If adaptations have been shaped by natural selection operating in the past, then how can they possibly respond adaptively to objects, events, and situations that clearly did not exist until recently? This has been regarded as […]

Robert Frank – Rivalry and Cooperation: A Darwinian Perspective

Robert Frank: CornellNote: this talk will begin at 3:30pm. Economists since Adam Smith have insisted that competition produces the greatest good for the greatest number. But as Charles Darwin emphasized, individual and group interests do not always coincide. And when they clash, individual interests tend to trump, often resulting in wasteful arms races. The Darwinian […]