Patricia Greenfield

352 Haines Hall

Patricia Greenfield Distinguished Professor, UCLA Department of Psychology Associate, Harvard Department of Human Evolutionary Biology A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to Cultural Evolution: Intergenerational Transmission, Cognition, and Creativity For the […]

Ny Vasil – Generic generalizations within and across contexts

352 Haines Hall

Generic generalizations within and across contexts Ny Vasil Assistant Professor Psychology Department, California State University East Bay Generic generalizations about natural and social kinds (e.g., “Raccoons have rabies”; “Trader Joe’s […]

Katrine Whiteson – Talk title TBA

352 Haines Hall

Talk title TBA Katrine Whiteson Associate Professor, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry School of Biological Sciences Associate Professor, Pediatrics School of Medicine UC Irvine Talk abstract TBA

Erin Riley – Talk title TBA

352 Haines Hall

Talk title TBA Erin Riley Professor, Department of Anthropology SDSU Talk abstract TBA